Friday, February 11, 2011

auditions for Conversation Storm at Uranium Madhouse!

Uranium Madhouse announces auditions for Conversation Storm, by Rick Burkhardt. Burkhardt is the co-creator of Three Pianos, which recently ran to great acclaim at New York Theater Workshop.

Wall Street Journal Review of Three Pianos
New York Times Review of Three Pianos

Conversation Storm was awarded the Best New Play award at the San Francisco Fringe Festival in 2007. Our production will be a Los Angeles premiere.

This will be the inaugural production of new LA theater company Uranium Madhouse. It will run for three weekends starting June 9 at the El Centro Theater in Hollywood. Directed by Andrew Utter, MFA, Yale School of Drama, Founder, Mother of Invention Acting School

Project Synopsis: Conversation Storm reunites three friends in a quiet cafĂ© after a 20-year separation. The friends quickly resume their old custom of parry and riposte in an examination of the question of torture. As they talk, an intricate game evolves, entailing time loops and role-playing. They imagine the unimaginable, save Manhattan, fail Manhattan, conjure atrocities, salvage humanity and try to get a glass of water from an inattentive waiter, all while attempting to answer the question, “Are people fungible?”

3 males, mid-30?s.

Auditions will be held March 5 and 6 at the Cornerstone Theater in downtown LA.

The sides are here.

To submit for the roles, go to . The roles are Hugh, Godfrey and Alec.

If you are not on LA Casting and would like to submit, please email

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